Every year Reading terminal celebrates the holiday season with different decorations, vendors, etc. This year however they are really outdoing themselves. Tourists and locals rejoice! They will be adding some cool new features as well as bringing back some old favorites.
My favorite is free chef demonstration Fridays because anything that involves food reminds me of the holidays. SANTA himself will be at the shops Dec. 18th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a meet & greet and photo opportunity. "Thoughtful Thursdays" are happening which means Reading Terminal will host local nonprofits and live entertainment in center court every week. "Jingle Mingle Sundays" happen 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Dec. 5, 12 and 19, and will host craft vendors and tons of local artists in the Rick Nichols Room.
I already loved reading terminal and with all this holiday cheer spreading around it my joy-filled head may explode. But if that's the way I go that's fine with me it's better than getting hit with a car