Wow guys. Crazy news I know, what are you supposed to do when you have a delicious-looking hot dog staring you in the face? Just lose those 36 minutes?
Researchers from the University of Michigan found that not only hot dogs, but about 5800 different foods, can take entire segments of your life away. So what do you do with this information? Stop eating hot dogs? Stop engorging on all the mouth endorphins that come with so many of the food you love?
My answer to this is no. My incredibly unscientific advice based on no research at all is that you probably wouldn't enjoy life that much past ninety anyway. I mean my Grandpa lived to be ninety-three and he just seemed so bored all the time. I say go eat your hot dog and whatever else within reason and live whatever you have left of your life. I'm going to go have one now, the picture of them made me hungry.