Rach On The Radio

Rach On The Radio

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Closet Makeover: The One You Need For The First Day Of Fall! [VIDEO]

Happy first day of Fall!

You know what that means... FALL FASHUNNN -- *Alexa: Play Cardigan By Taylor Swift*

With that being said, It might be about that time to go through your closets and switch out those summer clothes for your fall and winter ones! But if you're anything like me, you have a bunch of clothes in your closet yet still seem to wear the same pair of leggings for x-amount of days in a row with the same sweaters... I'd say It's time for a closet clean out.

OR there's another option if you have an emotional attachment to your clothes like me and don't have the heart to toss them but are also running out of space in your closet... let me introduce to you my friends from CALIFORNIA CLOSETS!

My girl Shannon (aka my design consultant) put together a virtual design for my his-and-her closets in my bedroom in just 5 MINUTES! And let me tell you I'm a visual person, so It's hard for me to picture something until I see It, so her putting together this absolutely beautiful design with the very minimal ideas I had was FASCINATING!

Then needless to say, we watched It come to life thanks to Jason and the installation team! See for yourself in the transformation video below!

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