Rach On The Radio

Rach On The Radio

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South Philly Resident Wins $100K From Acme Monopoly Collect & Win Game

I won't lie, I'm a little envious.

Every year I actually look forward to playing the Monopoly game at Acme Super Markets to see if I can score some free goods, that of which vary from like new cleaning products all the way to potentially winning a million bucks or even a new house or car (see why I'm addicted now?!)

When you check out, you receive individual playing tickets to play on their giant monopoly board game. My cousin and I will even text each other each time we go shopping at Acme to see if we each got any playing cards that the other needs to complete their board LOL.

But It looks like someone from PHILLY beat us to It! Which honestly, It's so stinking hard to win this national game so I'm actually slightly proud...

Shout out to Pamela Stella from South Philly who won the $100,000 prize according to 6abc!

Pam works as a nurse in Florida, and has been separated from her fiancé for MONTHS due to the pandemic... and she even found out she won the monopoly game on the 20th anniversary of her mother's passing... talk about perfect timing and being well deserved!

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