This story is just insane!
So remember way back when in 2018 when the Made In America Controversy hit? Mayor Jim Kenney opted to move the Festival off the Parkway where the show has called home in Philadelphia for YEARS -- The owner of the Festival aka Jay-Z was NOT having it.
So in light of the situation working itself out and the show going smoothly off the Parkway back in September, the Finnegan New Years Brigade Comic Club put on a skit for their Mummers Strut during the New Years Day Parade on Tuesday, that of which has spark controversy over social media...again.
According to the Philly Inquirer: The City Council President denounced the display of "bigotry & intolerance [with the] use of blackface" -- However, the group of Mummers AND Mayor Kenney bounced back by saying the skit WAS in fact approved by the city before hand, and the man playing the so called "blackface" in the reenactment was in fact, African American.
Check out the skit below:
Folks are saying that the attention is being taken away from the message behind the skit which was intended to add comic relief to cartoon comic that was created back during the controversy.
But others are not taking the accusations lightly and are taking to social media to express their concerns: