Rach On The Radio

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Mummers Killed in Accident After Philly New Years Day Parade

Oh no! 

Our hearts are hurting for the Philadelphia String Band who lost 2 family members after being named 2nd place in the New Years Day Mummers Parade that went across Philly yesterday.

According to NBC 10, there were 2 couples in the car. The driver and the passenger who were fiancèd and both Mummers, died at the scene of the accident where another driver collided into them head on. The male from the other couple sitting in the back was also found dead; however, his wife survived the crash and is at the hospital facing a broken pelvis and other injuries. 

What's still uncertain though, is why the police found a knife in the car that seems to be the weapon used in stabbing the driver of the vehicle 15 times before the car crash...

Such a hard way to start 2019 -- Get more of the details here

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