I'm all for trying new things to keep your face clear of acne and blemishes (I'll be honest I'm not even positive I know what blemishes are) but this is getting ridiculous. Trending on Twitter and Tiktok today is "Slugging" this beauty "Hack" that people are supposedly trying all over the country. IT involves smearing vaseline all over your face and going to sleep with it on. Claims on Tiktok say that vaseline provides a "barrier" between your face and the outside world. Keeping it moisturized and stopping dirt from getting into your pores.
It SOUNDS all science-y but does it really work? According to TikTok it does. But "according to TikTok" isn't exactly the best way to start a claim about something as complicated as a skincare routine. I would say my advice for "Slugging" is the same as my advice for drugs. Try half, see if you like it, then do the rest.