PSA For Men Who Want To Meet Women On Instagram

Don't. Don't try to meet women on instagram, meet them in real life it's a million times better and more likely to give you results. We as a species have GOT to stop DM'ing strangers on IG. Women get so many messages they aren't effective anyway. It's giving men as a whole a bad name, and it's just creepy when you don't know the person!

Guys. Please stop doing this.

Let's start with the fact that women are getting bombarded with messages from random dudes they have never met all day. This makes it hard to check messages from people you actually know and want to respond to. It's like when your email has 102839 unread messages and you don't even want to open it. You're definitely going to miss some messages you actually want to read.

Guys, let's help ourselves out and if we are DETERMINED to talk to women online, make it someone you actually know and don't make the message generic. "Hey" is not effective no matter how many 100's of times you send it. Another move I'm seeing lately is just responding to EVERY story posted with a heart eyes or fire emoji. We have to be better, if not for women than at least for yourselves! No one is responding to the same story reaction you have sent to every women since the beginning of eternity.

"Hey Nugget we are in the middle of a pandemic how else am I supposed to meet people?" First off, there are apps for that. Second, if you HAVE to use the gram, make your messages mean something. Say something about one of their photos and start a conversation! Don't expect them to do the work after your masterfully crafted "Hey what's up" opener (I'm being sarcastic about that being masterfully crafted, can't be too careful with you bros.)

In summary, the less we as guys can DM strangers the better it will be for society.

Questions or comments? @NuggetOnAir on Twitter and IG

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