Signs your Philly Boyfriend is cheating

There are three major red flags when it comes to cheating in Philly relationships. I plan on saving you a lot of time and energy in a cheater if you live in Philly. Let's get into it.

  1. He goes to after-hours clubs - Any guy going to an after hours spot is just looking to smash, he couldn't find anyone before 2am so now he's going the extra mile. HUGE red flag and even if he isn't successful, he was still trying to cheat
  2. He uses snapchat more than you - why in the world would a dude need to use a messaging app where all the messages get deleted after they are sent? I'll tell you why, it's cause he is typing SHADY messages
  3. He has pictures in his "Hidden" folder - unless you know the password and location of the folder beware of this, it could be pictures of other women. Also look for two calculator apps on his phone, this could be a secret photo album.

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