Three ways to know if a Philly guy is into you

There are three tells or signals that a guy will give in Philly if he is into you. I'm not talking about just being down to smash, I'm talking REALLY into you. I'll outline them here and help you figure out how to navigate them.

  1. He invites you to a birds game WITH HIS FRIENDS - This is huge. He's taking you to see his favorite team surrounded by his favorite people. This is a great sign that he's completely committed to you even if you haven't had the talk about being exclusive yet.
  2. He deletes his dating app(s) and/or snapchat - dating apps are obvious, but look out for his snapchat to disappear or become inactive, most guys just use it to talk to women so him not using it is a good sign
  3. He marries you. - If a guy marries you normally he is pretty serious about the relationship.

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