Another Netflix show is biting the dust - but it looks as if this one will at least get a proper conclusion.
Netflix announced on Wednesday that fan-favorite supernatural thriller, "Locke & Key", will officially end with its upcoming third season. Deadline adds that season 3 was always "conceived as the show's final chapter", so fans will get that proper ending.
The third season is expected to only have 8 episodes, compared to 10 for the first two seasons.
The show's creators added: "Once we began working on the series, we felt three seasons was the ideal length to bring the story of the Locke family and their Keyhouse adventures to a satisfying conclusion. As storytellers, we are grateful that we had the opportunity to tell our version of Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’s incredible story exactly the way we wanted. We’re keeping the magical keys, though, for our own personal use.”
The show premiered back in February 2020, with the second season releasing October 2021. The third, and final, season is expected later this year.