I hate to be clichè but I literally could bathe in wine... which is why this new health benefit is SCREAMING my name (sorry dry January)
According to Health, Wellness and Fitness Expert Devon Lévesque (originally from New Hampshire but went to school in Montclair, NJ) Taking a warm, red wine bath has some SERIOUS health benefits such as blood circulation, detoxifies your skin & also helps with reducing stress and anxiety!
Given I often get similar effects from drinking wine... bathing in It just seems like a dream come true so why the heck not.
Devon is in the middle of a journey and a challenge to climb all the major mountains and highest points across the World. As he just finished his latest feat against Aconcagua Summit... he endured severe wind/sun burns to the face, that were cured in TWO days from these wine baths...
So, sign me up!
Check him out below!