West Philly Actor Set To Play The Part of Will Smith In Fresh Prince Reboot

Not like Will Smith can do anything wrong In my book but he DEFINITELY did this one right!

Philadelphian's definitely take pride in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (not only because It features West Philadelphia in the theme song but because It's also stemmed around the life of Philly native and favorite Will Smith)

And It looks like as we all are getting excited about the reboot, Will who is now going to be the executive producer of the show -- also decided to hire West Philly native, Jabari Banks to play the role of Will in the show!

According to Philly Voice:

The newcomer, who currently lives in West Philadelphia, heard he was taking over the role during a video call with Will Smith himself, who played the character in the original series..."What's up, Philly? What's up, Philly?" Smith said in the video call. "It is an absolute pleasure to meet you and from the deepest parts of my heart, I want to say congratulations to you. You have the role of Will on 'Bel Air.'

Check It out below!

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