If this doesn't warm your heart then I'm not sure what will!
There's so much to think about during this stressful time in Quarantine, especially now that we have all of this "free time" and everything is getting cancelled -- including birthday parties for little kids who were probably looking forward to celebrating before COVID-19 happened.
But how amazing is this, Chris Morrissey Grubb who is a local Fishtown Mom here in Philly, is using her time to help make kids smile on their special day. She's going around the town in a pick-up truck with a giant inflatable cake on in while blasting 'Happy Birthday" and stopping in front of the houses of children who are having a hard time celebrating the way they normally would outside of quarantine life!
I swear I heard what sounded like a party outside of my house on Saturday night (which is very rare now -a-days) so when I peeped out my window to see what was going on, my heart immediately exploded!
Chris is so selfless, but not just during this stressful time! She normally works locally to raise money for the schools in town, and she has even gotten the local schools to be more echo friendly by inspiring the school boards to use recyclable products in their cafeterias!
Check out the video of Chris coming around to my street to wish my neighbor a happy birthday!