Was anyone else super confused by mother nature during yesterday's 'snow squall'?
First of all, I've never heard of a squall. But according to our friends at 6abc It's defined as:
Often referred to as a whiteout, a snow squall is a sudden, moderately heavy snowfall that blows snow and strong surface winds, suddenly reducing visibility
Which in that case, is EXACTLY what Philly got yesterday! But what's even funnier is Philadelphian's trying to define the never before seen alert that was sent to our phones across the area.
Thankfully -- Twitter popped OFF with hysterical tweets addressing the squall and here's the TOP 5 ones that I found!
But first, check out this insane time lapse vid of the Squall actually happening...
Ok now to the funny stuff... here's what everyone had to say on Twitter about "Squallin"
This next one is funny... but probably only for me considering I went to school in Syracuse and my first job in Radio was in Western New York 😅 and the snow ain't NO JOKE!
Explanation of a snow squall
By Dan Blackman