Former Racehorse Escaped In Philly, Comforted & Rescued in Fishtown [VIDEO]

So if I haven't talked about It enough... I just moved to Fishtown.

And my friends that live in Center City are a little butthurt and keep trying to scare me out of It saying "ooo I heard Helicopters were running around your area on Wednesday looking for something... probably a shooter!"

And I'm like:

1. you guys suck

2.You're probably wrong (maybe right... Idk anymore)

3.Why the heck are you joking about that ish!

But get this -- It's actually quite comical -- the helicopters were in fact in my area, but instead looking for a former racehorse that escaped in the Penns Landing area and ended up LITERALLY on my street!

According to NBC 10:

SkyForce10 was over the scene shortly before 11:30 p.m. Wednesday as the horse trotted along Richmond Street and East Lehigh Avenue. After several minutes of the horse moving through Philly, police cruisers were able to box the animal in near Somerset and Mercer streets.

Excuse the pun, but the owner regretfully admitted to no properly tying the "horses in the back" of the travel car on their way to a new destination. [Shout out Lil Naz X]

Thankfully, the horse named Harley was comforted by police and then returned back to it's owner!

Now, they should probably rename the Old Town Road of Fishtown to "Horsetown".

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