If you're looking for a getaway right now (and we mean, right now, like this week or next week) - Disneyland might be the place to go. The New York Post reports that due to crowd control measures that were put in place in anticipation of the new Star Wars-themed Galaxy's Edge Island opening, the park is experiencing the "shortest lines in decades."
And by 'ghost town', they mean by typical Disneyland standards, where wait times are cut in half, and even popular rides like The Haunted Mansion only have you waiting about 20-30 minutes.
It appears that many of the Disneyland-goers right now are all heading to the "hot new thing", rather than the rest of the park. Also, the OC Register reports that "most annual passes are blocked out for most of June, July, and August, which constitute a majority of the more than 1 million pass holders who would normally fill the space."
Many park-goers are excited about the short lines, and who wouldn't be? Check out some of their reactions below, and grab more info on the story here. You may want to book your vacation right now!
Photo: Getty