This New Crazy Technology Will Tone And Tighten Your Core & Booty! [VIDEO]

Here's a quick recap of my weight-loss journey:

After college, I was at my heaviest weight -- 174 pounds. Over the course of 1year, I've done a series of diets like Isogenics, Doctor Oz, and the Fast Metabolism Diet that has gotten me to my new weight of 139 pounds.

Although I still have a few more pound to go to reach my goal, there's still those problem areas on my tummy that just WILL NOT tighten up. Which is what makes me the perfect candidate for a new technology called EMSCULPT -- a non-evasive electronic treatment that tones and tightens your stomach and buttocks that's equivalent to doing 20,000 squats & 20,000 crunches in 30 MINUTES!

Check out the video below to see what it's light as I experience the 1st of 4 treatments at The Hughes Center in Cherry Hill!

You can also follow my transformation on socials @theHughesCenter & @rach_ontheradio

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