Kanye West Is Selling Socks for $50

In today's edition of what in the world: Kanye West did his usually private Sunday service to the public at Coachella yesterday. What better way to celebrate than to buy Kanye's "Church Socks" for $50?!? Still have more money to spend? How about spending $195 for sweatpants or $225 for a sweatshirt that says "Holy Spirit?" I gotta be honest, the clothes look ugly, it's literally just tye-dye and a font you could probably find on Microsoft Word. As much as I'm judging Kanye (and I am) I'm also judging the lines of people who actually bought this stuff. If you're willing to pay $50 for one pair of socks, you know what, you deserve that.

Apparently you can buy the merch online, but I'm going to save you and your wallet from that nonsense.

(h/t: People)

(Photo by Rich Fury/Getty Images for Coachella)

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