Taylor Swift Used Facial Recognition Technology to Screen Out Stalkers

While on her 'reputation' tour, Taylor Swift used facial recognition technology (just like the kind that you can use to get onto your iPhone). According to Rolling Stone, Swift put footage rehearsal footage on a kiosk. Fans who stopped and watched were being photographed and checked against a database of her stalkers. 

So while you're watching the movie, security officers are watching you. To be fair to Taylor, she has experienced an insane amount of stalking in the past, including the time a guy broke into the apartment. 

This stuff may become more common. Ticketmaster just put money into a startup that can scan your face while you're walking by. 

I was kinda freaked out at first about this, but now that I think about it, there is some sense in it. Taylor has had some scary interactions with stalkers and regardless of the number of security members on her team, it's always good to be safe. What do you think? 

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