Taylor Swift Donates $15k to Fan's Mom In a Coma

Taylor Swift is so kind to her fans. When Sadie tweeted earlier this month about her mom's coma and the rising expenses associated with it, it got the attention of Taylor's eye. 

Sadie tweeted about how her mom has been in a coma for three years after she had an ulcer that bled out that led to the lack of oxygen to the brain resulting in brain damage. Her dad has been at her mom's side and is unable to work taking care of her. She and her siblings are trying to support the family but she's not able to work as many hours as she'd like because she's also a full-time student. Towards the end, she thanked Taylor as being a way to get through the pain of it all.  

A few days later, she was surprised to see a donation from Taylor Swift herself for $15,500. Taylor signed the donation "Love, Taylor, Meredith and Olivia Swift," which are the names of her cats. 

Sadie could not believe it! She tweeted her excitement regarding the donation. 

This is just one of the many amazing things Taylor has done for her fans. A few months ago, she helped one of her fans get a service dog and she's also provided free tickets to first responders for one of her shows after one their colleagues died in the line of duty days before the concert. 

It's great that Taylor is giving back to her fans because she wants to. She's not trying to promote anything, she just wants to do it because it's a good deed which is very kind.

You can see the tweets below. 

(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images For dcp)

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