Amazon can now deliver packages INSIDE your car's trunk!

Let me start off by saying how much I shop on Amazon and enjoy the many delivery options they offer. However, not sure if I'm on board with this one. Key by Amazon is pretty much an In-Car delivery option so you can have your package dropped right inside your car wherever it is you've parked.

They just added select Honda vehicles to the small list of cars that are equipped with Key by Amazon (GM, Volvo, Ford, Lincoln are currently equipped with this service). There are so many requirements beforehand to even use it. First, you need a vehicle that is equipped with a remote services-type package (how else would they open your car). We'll use Honda for example - and their Honda Remote Services package. Also, yes, you'll have to be a Prime member and be located in one of the 50 cities covered by this specific service.

So, If you do choose to get in-car delivery, you'll need to park within two blocks of your delivery address between 11AM and 3PM. The delivery driver will then locate your vehicle using its GPS location. In this example, while the HondaLink app itself is free, the Remote Services package will set you back $110 per year after a 3-month trial. Key by Amazon doesn't cost anything on top of that, though, so it's a nice perk if you're already paying for the add-on.

Would you use this service if you're always on the move? I just get creeped out by someone random getting into my vehicle to drop off a package. Can I get 5 dash cams facing the interior too?

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